New life…new everything!

Bruk’s first plane ride!  As we were walking down the Jetway in Ethiopia, a nice woman offered to take our picture.  By our gushing over him about the “big airplane” that we were gonna fly on, she could tell that we were having a special moment and jumped in to help.

Snoozin’ in the Dubai airport.  We had an almost 7 hour layover so we made the most of it by sleeping, strolling and giving him his first taste of ice-cream.  You would think that he would love it but…. not so much.


Since being back we have carved out lots of time for just being home and bonding as a family. Gradually, we have been introducing Bruk to his whole new world.

[Great] Gramps finally got the “knee” time he has been wanting for so long!

Of course, he loved playing on the floor with both of his Grandma’s! Aren’t they so cute!?

And what’s Fall with out pumpkins!?

Life is a lot more messy and it seems like the apartment is never “really” clean anymore, but hey, at least he pitches in.

Overall, our boy is really doing great. He enjoys being outside and taking baths (which tend to go hand in hand these days). Bruk is adjusting to us as mom and dad quicker than we had imagined.



It’s such a fun time of year to have him with us so we will certainly fill you in with the next great adventures!


The Jacksons







  1. Jolene (Homespun Heritage) · October 13, 2012

    Awww! Congratulations, again! Have fun getting to know each other!


  2. Auntie Sue · October 13, 2012

    Pleased and grateful for the photos and update. I am so happy for you three that life’s journey has brought you together as a family. Blessings!!! True blessings!!!!


  3. Mary Fuller · October 15, 2012

    Oh wow, tears of joy!! This is just totally amazing. So absolutely overjoyed for you guys!


  4. kathy · October 17, 2012

    So VERY excited for all of you. I can’t wait to meet this little fella!


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